Things I’m Currently Working On

The Hazards of Love | HoL tumblr
After trusting the wrong talking cat, a nonbinary latinx teen gets dragged into a surreal underworld and has to claw their way back home. (Urban fantasy/horror)

Look, everyone will go through a phase where they want to make autobiographical comics. I’m not through that phase yet, and the comic updates on tumblr periodically. Note: not always safe for work. (Haphazardly drawn autobiography)

Things I’ve Worked On

Friendly Hostility [shiny new domain name!]
A little dated, but I’m still pretty pleased with it; complete.

Other People’s Business
I didn’t finish the comic, but I provided summaries of the remaining issues on tumblr.

Abernathy Square | AS tumblr
On hiatus for awhile; will likely be revamped when I’m done with hazards.

A comic that, to my lament, I lost the domain name to. I know a lot of folks would like it to return, but I'm not sure that'll happen in the near future. Still, it’s kind of funny that I lost an entire comic because of my inability to keep up with my own websites.